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My Services

In-Person Private Tutoring

Private sessions are conducted in-person at my home classroom in Schofields, NSW.


All sessions run for 60 minutes.

Online Private Tutoring

Conducted via Zoom, sessions are run live, in real-time with video, audio and a collaborative whiteboard.


All sessions run for 45 minutes.

In-Person Group Tutoring

Class consists of 2-6 students.

Students work independently, and may collaborate on similar topics.


All sessions run for 45 minutes.

My Approach

Apply Real Life Expertise

Outside of maths tutoring I am employed as a high school mathematics teacher. Working alongside other teaching staff, I am consistently up to date with the NSW syllabus content and multiple teaching methods.


I also have experience in writing and marking assessments so am familiar with common mistakes students make and how to avoid them, as well for particular things markers look for.

Tailor the Experience

Each student is unique and learns in their own way. Therefore all maths tutoring sessions are different depending on the individual. Some students prefer using their session time to complete their homework and ask for assistance. Other students may be struggling to keep up with their class, so I will review their current school books and provide additional teaching myself, as I would in school.


The higher ability students come to be challenged, and I work through more problem solving questions with them to push their way of thinking.

Champion Communication

Communication is key, especially when tutoring remotely. I frequently check in with students to see how they're progressing outside of sessions. If they don't like a worksheet I've given them they can always let me know so I can find something more appropriate for their level or adjust my explanations/pace.


Students are always encouraged to speak up if they are experiencing any challenges or have suggestions on how to improve their experience. This also applies to parents and guardians, should they wish to express their feedback.

My Approach
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